A 13-year-old girl became the fifth wife of a 48-year-old man in the Philippines


The marriage of a 13-year-old girl to a 48-year-old man in Mamasapano, Philippines impacted social media not only because of the bride’s age, but also because she became the man’s fifth wife.

The farmer, as reported by media such as the Daily Mail and The Sun, said he will pay “for his school because I want him to get an education while waiting for the right time to have children.”

For her part, the minor said that she is not afraid of her husband “because he is kind to me. I’m learning to cook because I’m not good anymore. I want to make him happy ”.

According to Unicef ​​data, 15% of girls in Philippines
get married before the age of 18 and 2% before the age of 15.

In the Dominican Republic, on the other hand, there is a law that allows girls to marry from the age of 15 and an article of the penal code exempts a man who leaves home or gets a minor pregnant if he marries her.

Currently the Constitutional Court is studying an appeal for unconstitutionality which aims to veto these two provisions of law.

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