CNN put the ashes on his head after comparing Trump to Hitler


Amanpour apologized for the outrage caused by his statements comparing Donald Trump’s first four years in office with Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Windows), the two-day pogrom against Jews in 1938.

The CNN reporter’s statements sparked criticism from the powerful Anti-Defamation League, the Trump administration and the Israeli government, who have publicly apologized.

On Monday night, Christiane Amanpour said on her show that she regretted the suffering she caused with her comments and that she shouldn’t have “juxtaposed” Trump’s attacks “on history, reality, information and truth” with the 82nd anniversary of the Kristallnacht.

“Shouldn’t have been”

“And finally, a comment on my show from the end of last week. I paid attention to the 82nd commemoration of the Crystal Night, as I often do: it is the event that marks the beginning of the horrors of the Holocaust. I also highlighted the Trump’s attacks on history, reality, information and truth. I shouldn’t have combined these two ideas, “added Amanpour.

“Hitler and his atrocities are, of course, unique in history. I am sorry for any suffering I may have caused. I wanted to show how democracy can slip and how we must always tenaciously defend our democratic values.”

In his exhibit last Thursday, Amanpour featured images of dead Jews and Nazis burning books, commenting:

“And through that tower of burnt books, an attack has been launched against reality, information, history and truth … After four years of Donald Trump’s modern assault on the same values, the Biden-Harris couple promises a return to these rules, including truth. “

Rain of accusations

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany described Amanpour’s Twitter comments as “abject” and said CNN “must apologize for trivializing the Holocaust and the tragic genocide of millions of Jews.”

The Israeli ministry for the diaspora Omer Yankelevich accused Amanpour of forcing confrontation for the sake of “business headlines or a political agenda” and called on CNN to be a partner in the fight against anti-Semitism and not to feed scandals. Hebrew Israel Hayom, quoted by The Hill.

Israel’s consul general in Atlanta, Anat Sultan-Dadon, wrote to CNN Executive Vice President Rick Davis, expressing outrage that Amanpour used the Holocaust and Kristallnacht commemoration for political purposes and said the reporter had showed disrespect for those who died, writes Jerusalem Post

The Anti-Defamation League also reacted to Amanpour’s comments, writing on Twitter that “there is no analogy between the Holocaust and what is happening in the United States”.

“Experts and politicians should avoid such easy comparisons. They are offensive and insensitive to the memory of the Holocaust.”

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