Corona in the USA: Donald Trump feels sorry for Europe – Fauci is “impressed” by the Moderna vaccine


Donald Trump’s government has largely stopped the fight against the Crown. Infections increase. The elected president now adorns himself with foreign feathers.

  • The number of new infections with Coronavirus continue to increase rapidly in the United States.
  • Donald Trump has the fight against Crown hired and celebrating for one vaccine.
  • Ivanka Trump votes hymns about her father Donald Trump one, although no US tax dollars have been allocated for research.

+++ 7.15: The leading US virologist Anthony Fauci has the intermediate results of Corona vaccine– Modern company candidates described as “surprisingly impressive”. In an interview with the AFP news agency, Fauci said he was satisfied with 70 to 75% effective vaccinations. The US biotechnology company Modern announced Monday that the vaccine he had developed was 94.5 percent effective.

“The idea of ​​having a 94.5% effective vaccine is surprisingly impressive. It’s truly a spectacular result that I don’t think anyone expected would be this good,” said Fauci.

Crown in the USA: Donald Trump is sorry for Europe

Update from Tuesday 17 November 2020, 6:08: Donald Trump is celebrated that the “Modern” private company in the United States has a promising vaccine against Coronavirus was announced. And in the meantime, he’s once again distributing against the media on Twitter. He regrets the Europeans without entering into the conditions of their own country: “Unfortunately, the European countries are affected by the China virus. Fake news doesn’t like to report it! “

Corona in the US: Donald Trump celebrates the Moderna vaccine “under his supervision”

Update from Monday 16 November 2020, 19:03: After his daughter Ivanka had already produced it for one of the “Moderna” private companies vaccine versus Crown had celebrated, praises the president-elect of the United States Donald Trump now also for the work of others. “The next vaccine has just been announced. This time from Moderna, 95% effective. To all the great “historians”, please remember which vaccines ended the “Chinese plague”: it all happened under my supervision! ”

There are criticisms on social media: not only Donald Trump again the racist expression “Chinese plague” use – once again adorn itself in connection Crown with strange feathers. One Twitter user writes: “I definitely think historians will remember the great whim you had following your electoral defeat. And how you refused to accept the results instead of retiring with a residue of your dignity. ”Another user added: “And how are you minimizing the Covid-The risk has led to tens of thousands of deaths that could have been prevented. “

Donald Trump doesn’t refrain from adorning himself with weird feathers when it comes to a corona vaccine.

© Oliver Contreras via

First report of Monday 16 November 2020, 15:45: Washington DC – Der Coronavirus It is in the United States of America still increasing. As Johns Hopkins University reported, the United States was still ruled by Donald Trump, meanwhile more than 11 million (exactly: 11,041,979) cases of infection with Crown reported. This is more than 20 percent (20.26) of cases identified worldwide.

In no country in the world do they have it Corona-Pandemics more new infections detected. So far, there are about 8.8 million known cases in India, but about one billion more people live there than in the United States with its approximately 328 million inhabitants. Brazil follows with around 5.6 million reported cases.

Ivanka Trump: Celebrates her father Donald for a crown vaccine, which the elected president has nothing to do with.

© AL DRAGO via

Pfizer: Donald Trump’s administration has done nothing for corona vaccine research

However designated Donald Trump the pandemic away from any reality as “good as defeated”. His chief of staff, Mark Meadows, recently admitted fighting with the words “We will not control the pandemic” Crown for having largely stopped. Meadows added that the Trump administration’s hope for the United States of America now on one vaccine it would be: “What we will have under control is the fact that we will be given vaccines, drugs and other relief measures.”

A deceptive “control” had that in United States of America pharmaceutical giant that collaborates with the German pharmaceutical company Biontech Pfizer however he made it clear that research doesn’t spend a dime Donald Trump and its government as part of the so-called “Operation Warp Speed“It will be supported. Kathrin Jansen, senior vice president and chief of Vaccine research Pfizer told the New York Times: “We were never part of Operation Warp Speed. We have not received any money from the US government or anyone else. “

Ivanka Trump celebrates Father Donald Trump for a crown vaccine

The New York-based company explains that this was designed. Pfizer-CEO Albert Bourla underlines: “I wanted to free our scientists from any bureaucracy. When you receive money from someone, it is always associated with activities. They would have liked to see how we are doing, what progress we are making, what we are doing. They want relationships. I didn’t want anything. ”

That doesn’t last Donald Trump also his daughter Ivanka by the president elected for the vaccine versus Crown to celebrate.

Boasted Donald Trump most recently with the successes of Biontech is Pfizer and threatened to cut supplies to New York, he tweeted Ivanka Trump now through one made by the Modern Pharmaceutical Company of Cambridge, Massachusetts vaccine versus Crown: “Modern Congratulations, Donald Trump, that Operation Warp Speed-The team and everyone who made this historic breakthrough possible – will contribute to this terrible breakthrough pandemic finally! “(Mirko Schmid)

Header listing image: © Oliver Contreras via

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