Michelle Obama describes the handover to Donald Trump: “I was hurt and disappointed”


So far, Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to acknowledge the election result and initiate an orderly handover of office to his designated successor Joe Biden. Now the incumbent US president has his unrealistic reasons for blocking this important ritual of US politics. Such a handover is never easy. Michelle Obama has now made it clear.

In an Instagram post, the former first lady describes how difficult it was for her to take this step four years ago. At the time, she and her husband and President Barack Obama had to hand over the White House to Trump and his wife Melania. “I was hurt and disappointed,” Obama wrote in his post: “But the votes were counted and Trump had won.” In 2016, the Republican prevailed over Hilary Clinton of the Democrats.

Michelle Obama continues. “My husband and I ordered our people to do what George and Laura Bush did for us: a respectful and regular transfer of power – one of the hallmarks of American democracy.”

According to Obama, this step was not easy at the time. “None of this was easy. Donald Trump had spread racist lies about my husband and put my family in danger. It wasn’t something I could only forgive. “By this, Obama is likely alluding to the so-called ‘Birther’ conspiracy. For years, Donald Trump had repeatedly doubted that Barack Obama was really born a US citizen and requested his birth certificate. This racist nonsense is still very popular in certain circles today. For Trump it was a political tool.

Still no invitation for the upcoming first lady

Despite this story, Michelle Obama had also invited her successor as First Lady, Melania Trump, to the White House. There the two women discussed safety and child-rearing issues at the US power plant, Obama said. A similar invitation from Melania Trump to Joe Biden’s wife Jill is still pending.

Even without Trump’s cooperation, Joe Biden will take power on January 20, 2021. Currently, however, precious days go by that the future administration may urgently need preparation, especially in the event of a growing virus pandemic. Apparently Michelle Obama also sees it this way. He warned that not only national security would be in danger, but also the stability of the US political system: “This is not a game.”

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