LIVE UPDATE Republic of Moldova Elections. Maia Sandu against Igor Dodon. Over 48% attendance at 18:00. Record of votes in the diaspora



The sales turnout exceeded 47%.

UPDATE The automated CEC system has been subjected to cyber attacks

The specialized services intervened and eliminated the risks in a short time. “We have repelled these attacks and they have not had a significant negative impact,” CEC members said. According to them, there were also some situations of disconnection from the Internet or the CEC server, but of short duration, reports.

UPDATE Bomb alarm in one section

Work at a polling station in Frankfurt, Germany was suspended for an hour. The police carried out verification operations in the station. The voting process at the polling station in Frankfurt resumed around 5.30 pm.

UPDATE 18 Record turnout in the diaspora

The number of Moldovans who voted in the diaspora exceeded 200,000. In the first round of the presidential election, a total of 149,178 voters from the diaspora voted.

Total attendance until 18:00 is over 48%

UPDATE Attendance at 15:30

The turnout at 15:30 is almost 40%. More than 160,000 people voted in the diaspora.

UPDATE 15:00 The Central Electoral Commission condemns the violence in Varniţa

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has condemned the violence occurring in the town of Varniţa from the district of Anenii Noi.

“We regret that access to the polling station has been blocked, and the resolution of the conflict required the intervention of law enforcement collaborators in order to guarantee the exercise of the right to vote for voters in the localities of the left bank of the Dniester. We call for calm and tolerance and warn that any action to limit the freedoms and rights of others is contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. The obstruction of the right to vote can be sanctioned as an infringement and as a criminal “, reads the statement from the CEC.

14.00 UPDATE Republic of Moldova elections

The number of people from the Republic of Moldova who voted in polling stations abroad was almost three times higher at 12.00 than in the first round.

More than 78,000 Moldovans voted in 139 polling stations abroad by 12 noon, as 28,000 people had voted in the first round at the same time, said Vladimir Şarban, vice president of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). , at a press conference.

Even in Transnistria, more people voted until 12.00, compared to the first round. 13,000 votes, double those of two weeks ago, at the same time.

By 12 noon, more than 655,000 people had voted, including more than 578,000 in Moldova, according to the CEC official.

12:30 UPDATE Republic of Moldova elections. Tense situation in the village of Varniţa

Varnita voters would be paid to come and vote.

Dozens of police officers equipped with bulletproof vests surrounded the conflict area in Varnita.

People pushed with police officers who arrived, according to

12:00 UPDATE Republic of Moldova elections

Moldovan citizens who vote in Italy in Milan are waiting to vote in rows on two streets. No events were logged, notes.

11:00 am: UPDATE Republic of Moldova elections

Maia Sandu’s opponent, Igor Dodon, voted.

We need qualitative changes, not shocks, not crises“This was stated by the independent candidate, supported by the PSRM, Igor Dodon, after voting, accompanied by his wife and bodyguards.

“I’m just happy to be more active today. I voted for the independence and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. I believe in the future of this country. We need qualitative changes, not shocks, not crises. I voted for the Republic of Moldova. social equity, for economic development, for balance in foreign relations. I don’t want the Republic of Moldova to become a pawn in the international geopolitical game. I voted for Christian values. I’m sure everything will be fine. Everything will work out for us.“Dodon said upon leaving the polls, according to

Accompanied by colleagues from the party, Maia Sandu voted.

Today all the power is in your hands. Today you have the power to punish those who lied to you, robbed you or pushed you away from home. Today we decide how we will live in the next four years, how the Republic of Moldova will move in the next decade. But for this we have to go to the polls. When people come together, things change. Today I voted in favor of change, for Moldova to which everyone looks forward to tomorrow“Said Maia Sandu.

“We voted for Moldova of which we will be proud”, added the candidate in Russian.

10:40: UPDATE Elections of the Republic of Moldova

More than 3.2 million citizens with the right to vote in the Republic of Moldova are expected to vote for the second round of elections for the country’s presidency.

Moldovans from abroad have lined up in front of the polling stations even before the first round and stand in huge lines of 2-3 kilometers to vote. At the polling station in Frankfurt, Germany, young people brought loudspeakers from which popular music resounds, writes

Today the citizens of the Republic of Moldova elect their president, in the second round of the presidential elections, in which the current head of state, the philosopher Igor Dodon, and the candidate of the pro-European opposition and former prime minister Maia Sandu face off.

The candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Maia Sandu, will have a counter-candidate on the current president, Igor Dodon, who entered the electoral race as an independent, with the support of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova.

In the first round, held on November 1, Maia Sandu obtained 36.16% of the votes and Igor Dodon 32.61%.

In 2016, Igor Dodon won the elections with 52% of the vote, while Sandu won 48%. Basically, the difference between the two was 69,750 votes.

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