The reminder: women could cost Trumpf re-election.


President Trump’s poor ratings among women could cost him another four years in the White House.

Trump’s reputation among women is poor and has deteriorated since 2016 according to numerous opinion polls.

Republicans too fear a repetition – or even an acceleration – of the trend seen in the 2018 mid-term elections, when women voters in the suburbs turned against the GOP in large numbers and suffered a painful defeat.

In increasingly plaintive words, the president appealed to women to support him in his run for a second term against Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

“May I ask you a favor, suburban women,” she said earlier this month at a rally in Johnstown, Pa. “Would I please? Please.”

But these kinds of appeals – like her campaign’s hints that her focus on business and “law and order” would improve her position with suburban women – seem to go nowhere.

The problem affects Trump both in the warring states and at the national level. And there is no sign that this is changing.

On Monday, for example, a poll conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – all key states in determining election results – produced striking results.

The poll found that Trump lost all three states with a range of between 8 and 10 percentage points. Overall, women in the three states supported Biden over Trump by 20 points, or 58% to 38%. The deficit was virtually identical to a poll from the same source in August, which found Trump was 19 points behind Trump in women.

Trump’s lead among men in the most recent poll – just 3 points – was nowhere near large enough to make up for the difference.

Obviously, the president has already defied expectations. Trump’s campaign for the presidency of 2016 seemed to fall apart when the infamous “Access Hollywood” band appeared, bragging about grabbing women by the genitals.

The 2016 campaign experienced many other genre-hinged furors, including Trump’s reference to debate host Megyn Kelly, “her blood spilled … everywhere” and a statement by a former Miss Universe that Trump humiliated her for her weight in the 1990s.

Trump also raced against the first female presidential candidate of a major party, Hillary Clinton.

Despite all this, according to the 2016 polls, Trump won 9 points for white women, while he lost women by 13 points overall.

There are clear signs that it will be difficult for him to repeat this type of performance this year. In a Quinnipiac University poll released last week, she lost women to Biden by 26 points.

Critics of the president say that Trumpf can now be judged not only by words but also by political action makes a difference.

“In 2016 Donald Trump had no records. In 2020, he now has one, “said Susan Del Percio, Republican strategist and senior advisor to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.” This record is truly an insult to many Americans, especially women. And he relies on it. “

Del Percio noted Trump’s rhetoric about the protests, which he said he had “poured oil on the fire” to fuel the racial conflict, as well as his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

If it was also about basic things like wearing a mask regularly, she said: “Women want to see a good example for their children. … Even leaving aside some of the absurd things he said, he has failed miserably in his actions when it comes to assuming responsible leadership ”.

Trump, of course, sees things differently.

At a rally in Michigan on Tuesday, Trump told the women, “Your husbands want to go back to work, don’t they? They want to go back to work. We will get your husbands back to work.”

Her phrasing caused a predictable mini-fury, just like when she tweeted about “suburban housewives” in July.

As NPR noted, the percentage of mothers who stay at home has dropped by half since the late 1960s, when the president was a young man, from about 50 percent to about 25 percent.

Trump’s “housewives” tweet attempted to argue that Biden would “destroy your neighborhood and your American dream.”

There isn’t much evidence in the polls that it is successful with this topic, but for some

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