90% of Monero [XMR] until the beginning of its tail issue was extracted

90% of Monero [XMR] until the beginning of its tail issue was extracted

Over 90% of Monero – a cryptocurrency focused on privacy – the coins were extracted in circulation. Second MoneroBlocks.info, an explorer of blockchain Monero 16,656,640 coins of the possible 18.4 million coins were mined.

This represents approximately 90.5% of the total amount that will be outstanding. The last coin is expected to be drawn on May 31, 2022. At this point, a new supply program will be released that will see the miners XMR get awarded about 0 XMR per block. According to the Monero whitepaper, this program is called the issue of the tail.

Similar to BitcoinThe Monero reward program provides a sequence of coins reduction that are put into circulation through the extraction. This is referred to as the block reward system and currently the miners are rewarded with 3.41 XMR for each block they extract.

This reward continues to reduce until the issue of the issue of the queue in 2022. It is estimated that the reward for the blockade in May 2022 would have reached 0.6 XMR and is expected to continue at a steady pace once extracted 18.4 million coins. The queue issue, therefore, ensures that the miners will always be rewarded for contributing with resources to protect the network and to confirm transactions.

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An effect of a reduction in the supply of money is that deflation leads to an increase in value and by looking at the XMR supply program, there will be fewer coins in circulation that support the XMR price.

This means that Monero's long-term prospects are particularly bullish. According to CoinMetrics data, the rate of inflation for Monero is falling faster than that of Bitcoin and is preparing to reach the Bitcoin rate approximately on 10 August, 2019 after which it will continue to fall further.

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