Thailand launches Blockchain Tech for electronic voting


The Thai National Center for Electronics and Informatics (NECTEC), the main body responsible for information and communication development activities, has developed a blockchain technology for electronic voting.

The technology, according to the Bangkok Post, who reported this, combines electronic voting in small groups and traditional voting. When the 5G is adopted, all voters will be connected to the platform.

"NECTEC has developed blockchain technology for electronic voting that can be applied to national, provincial or community elections, as well as corporate votes such as the board of directors," said Chalee Vorakulpipat, head of the NECTEC computer security lab, adding that "the goal is to reduce fraud and maintain data integrity."

However, since only the Internet would be necessary for the technology to work, the project is

it should reduce the need for citizens to go to polling stations. Instead, technology will allow citizens to vote through an "online survey" e-mail and be tested using their mobile camera.

This will allow you to quickly calculate the votes as the data will be sent directly to an election controller and candidates will be able to verify the results electronically.

Blockchain will eliminate the need to collect votes from electoral points and deliver them to a central position, saving labor costs and preventing fraud as data are transmitted directly by voters to the election controller, Nectec said.

Furthermore, the Blockchain concept for electronic voting is a promising idea, but implementation will require a longer period, as the voter will need to have access to the mobile Internet connection and verification of the & # 39; identity, said Chalee.

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